The Blueprint for Peak Performance

Pickleball Mindset; The Blueprint for Peak Performance is not just another book about how to play pickleball, Pickleball Mindset dives deep into how to think on the court. Coauthored by Dayne Gingrich, top senior professional pickleball player and renowned mental performance coach; and Jill Martin, an attorney turned personal trainer and pickleball zealot, the book follows their yearlong coaching relationship in which Jill seeks to become mentally dominant on and off the court. In each chapter, Dayne explores the what, why, and how of mental performance strategies he has used in his athletic and coaching career. Jill then shares her real-time bumps, bruises, and celebrations as she works to incorporate each strategy into both her game and life. More than a lecture between coach and athlete, Pickleball Mindset is a conversation about how to grow and nourish a confident mindset through the turbulent journey we all encounter as athletes and humans.


7x National Champion

7X US Open Champion

Over 60 gold medals won as a Senior Pro

Play At Peak Performance

Play At Peak Performance •

I’ve been a mental performance coach for over 16 years and have worked with professional, collegiate, and high school athletes in every major sport. My passion lies within the chess match of figuring out how my opponents operate, mentally, and attempting to find and exploit their weaknesses.


Matches aren’t won because of the shots we hit, they’re won due to the puzzle we solve. Every decision we make on court is determined by the information we’ve acquired about our opponents - their strengths, weaknesses, how they think and decisions they make under stress. Our primary job isn’t to prioritize our shot mechanics, but rather, to make decisions based on what we believe our opponents like and don’t like.

The more we know about how our opponents think, the clearer and more precise we can be about each strategic choice we make.

As a coach, my goal is to help improve your mental and physical game, simultaneously. Each athlete brings a different background with them, which means every athlete has different motivations, triggers, and pain points. Our job working together, will be figuring out how you best learn and incorporate your unique style into the growth process. We will push you beyond what you currently think is possible, stretching your comfort zones, physically and mentally, and proving (as the Navy Seals say) when you think you’re done, you’re only 40% done.

As athletes, we reach flow state by eliminating conscious thought, and switching to our natural feel and visual skill sets. Together we will teach you how to step into this zone of peak performance, one exciting step at a time.




Interested in coaching, speaking engagments, sponsorship or mentorship? Reach out, let’s talk.
